Heidelberg’s Sigma Tau Nu fraternity recently held their 39th annual Rock-A-Thon, raising over $600 for Sisters in Shelter – a Tiffin non-profit dedicated to serving survivors of human trafficking.
“We appreciate very much that these young men chose to support our mission,” said Sisters in Shelter Executive Director Jennifer Kin. “Whether for sexual exploitation or forced labor, human trafficking is a tragedy impacting millions of people – overwhelmingly women and children. It is a real credit to Heidelberg and Sigma Tau Nu that these students stepped forward.”
Sisters in Shelter provides a safe haven and offers counseling and services to help survivors begin a new life. The organization also offers advocacy and education aimed to end human trafficking and to help others understand the challenge and avoid becoming victims.
“We want to make a difference,” explained Rylan Clarkson, a sophomore from Tiffin and event organizer for the Sigs. “A cornerstone of our fraternity is to serve the community and the university. We really wanted to help this cause and help raise awareness. Thank you to all of our supporters.”
Each year, the Rock-A-Thon takes place over 24 hours, beginning at Heidelberg’s University Commons and gathering donations at locations across Tiffin. This year, the Sigs rocked in more than their chairs, adding musical performances to the fundraiser.
Supporting locations included the Clover Club, the Madison Street Tavern, the Pit Stop, Paulette’s, and Bailiwicks Coffee Company. Sigma Tau Nu alumni also donated as did the actives of the Philalethean Society.
“I’m proud of them,” added Sig Advisor Bob Youngblood. “The Rock-A-Thon has a long tradition of serving worthy causes and Sisters in Shelter is certainly that.”
The Sigs are already looking forward to next year’s 40th Rock-A-Thon.
Pictured at the check presentation on Dec. 11 are: front row (L-R) -- Rylan Clarkson, Sisters in Shelter Executive Director Jennifer Kin, Case Manager Adriana Zeped and Cole Miller. Back row (L-R) -- Jacob Reuter, Jer Marshall, Elijah Shiley and A.J. Lindley.