One spring day, a Student Prince decided to go on a little adventure. “It won’t be long before I have a career,” the Prince said, “so I’d better start preparing now.” So with some ’Berg education under their hat, and some connections in their back pocket, the Student Prince began forging their way through an internship.
We continue our web series, Internship Chronicles.
Chapter 25: Community Connections
Noah Paris is a senior from Elida, Ohio. Noah is majoring in Political Science and Economics, with a minor in Psychology. While Noah has yet to decide on a specific career, it’s important to him to help individuals within a community, and aiding the growth of his community overall. This semester, Noah is interning with the Tiffin-Seneca Economic Partnership (TSEP).
How did you find your internship, or how did the internship find you?
I was introduced to former Tiffin mayor Aaron Montz through Cheryl Staib-Lewis while I was working at the Empire. Mr. Montz is the President and CEO of TSEP. I contacted Mr. Montz and I came in for an interview and I got the internship.
What did you expect from your internship initially?
I did not know what to expect going into this internship. The only expectation I had was that I thought this would be a great opportunity to gain experience in a field I have interest in.
What really happens in your day-to-day work?
My main responsibility at my internship is that I am tasked with helping TSEP update its website. This includes reaching out to the businesses that they are partnered with to create a bio about their organization so TSEP can post it on its website for the community to see.
What connections have you made?
I have made plenty of connections. I have met with businesses across Tiffin and Seneca County and met many great people who work for those businesses. I have also made great connections with the people who work at TSEP.
What is the most valuable thing you’ll bring back to the classroom after this experience?
I think the biggest thing that I will take from this internship is an increase in my interpersonal skills.
If your internship was a book or a chapter in a book, what should it be titled?
“Community Connections.”
For more information about the Tiffin-Seneca Economic Partnership, check out their website at https://www.tiffinseneca.org.