The following letter was sent to all members of the campus community today from Heidelberg Board of Trustees Chair Kathy Geier and President Rob Huntington.
July 10, 2020
Dear Heidelberg Community,
On behalf of Heidelberg University, speaking as the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the President of the University, we believe and advocate that racism, bigotry, inequality of opportunity, unequal treatment under the law, injustice, and hatred of any kind at any time on any people, have no place in our society and will never be tolerated at our institution. We believe in diversity, equity, and inclusion, and ultimately in the honor and dignity, of all people at all times at Heidelberg University.
At this sharply defining and highly divisive moment in our country’s history, our institution is clear in its core values, beliefs, and actions.
In terms of actions that make a difference, we know that we have much work to do together as a learning community. We look ahead to engaging with our students, faculty, staff, and alumni when we reopen this fall to understand how best to move forward. In the moment, here are some key initiatives that are already underway or under serious consideration:
- Supporting the ongoing work of the cross-functional Heidelberg Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee that was charged by the president last fall.
- Launching a new video series called My Story, which features recorded interviews with volunteers who share their experiences of racism as persons of color.
- Investing in increased student diversity through a holistic test-optional admissions, academic scholarship and targeted need-based awards process to create greater accessibility and affordability for students of color.
- Developing HYPE Career Ready and Placement learning modules about privilege, discrimination, and systemic racism for sessions on Values and Conflict Management.
- Discussing a range of actions to help address issues such as establishing campus town halls and listening sessions, increasing voter registration, and creating a community task force in partnership with the City of Tiffin and other local institutions.
- Reaching out to Heidelberg alumni of color who have expressed strong interest in helping us address these problems with current students more successfully.
As we begin to chart ways for our community to come together positively in an increasingly contentious world, we are all responsible to choose the right path of justice and good. Heidelberg chooses love and respect for all of humanity.
Black lives matter.
In gratitude,
Kathy Geier, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rob Huntington, President of the University