Welcome to Heidelberg! What are you most excited about?
I am most excited about becoming a part of the Heidelberg family! I can’t wait to engage our students in musical endeavors, and I can’t wait to build a tradition of excellence on campus and throughout the community.
What is your vision for this fall?
My vision for the fall is to engage as many student musicians as I possibly can in a musical and social experience. I see the Heidelberg Bands as a key ingredient to the glue that brings everyone together, from student athletes, musicians, fans, faculty, and the community at large. I would like to start an Alumni Band, build new traditions with our current students, and through musical performance, I hope to energize the campus and bring a new vitality to the Heidelberg Nation.
What is your vision long-term?
My long-term vision is to build an active band program that serves the student population at Heidelberg and attracts the very best students, music majors and students who just like to play, from across Ohio and the nation.
What impressed you the most with Heidelberg’s School of Music and Theatre?
The PEOPLE impressed me most about the School of Music and Theatre. From students to faculty, you win with people! The potential lies in the souls of the students and the faculty has the tremendous opportunity to release that potential in each student.
What are you doing to prepare for this fall?
I first want to learn as much about Heidelberg, its students, faculty, alumni and history, as I possibly can. Next, my mind is swirling with ideas to build and promote the bands. Of primary importance, we need to recruit the best students we can, from on campus, and off, and build the numbers of participants. We then need to begin our work in determining a mission and a way to get there, in a collaborative way, with students and faculty. I feel that we should never take away great traditions, I just want to add to the repertoire. We will adhere to the great things that Heidelberg has done for many years, and we will innovate new traditions for the students of the future.
Why is music such a big passion for you?
I am in the “person building” business first and foremost. My goal is to turn out better people after they walk through our doors. We just happen to have the very BEST medium on planet earth to build those students…it’s called music!
What advice do you have for college students?
My advice to Heidelberg students is to be involved with OUR university. You get out what you put in, so invest ALL of yourself in what you do and you will achieve satisfaction. And, if you play an instrument, or if you have ever wanted to learn, join the band! There's a home for you.