“A Comic Book Repertory,” featuring the shows “Fun Home” and “She Kills Monsters” Feb. 6th -9th and Feb. 13th -16th, 2020
"Fun Home” is a musical adapted from Alison Bechdel’s graphic memoir. The story concerns Bechdel’s discovery of her own sexuality and her relationship with her gay father. It is the first Broadway musical with a lesbian protagonist. “She Kills Monsters” is a dramatic comedy written by Qui Nguyen. In it, Agnes Evans discovers that her deceased younger sister Tilly played the fantasy game Dungeons & Dragons. When she discovers a notebook that belonged to her sister, Agnes enlists a “dungeon master” to help her in playing the quest Tilly described, and through this game, she discovers the sister she never really knew.
Tickets and further information are available at GundlachTheatre.org.