On Friday, November 15, spend a day at Heidelberg University exploring music and theatre at the collegiate level. Whether you are thinking about majoring or minoring in music or theatre, or just continuing to play, sing and act, we will offer a unique look at the college experience.
You’ll meet faculty and students, attend workshop sessions, tour campus, and enjoy a complimentary lunch. There is no cost to participate in this program, and we encourage band, choral, and theatre directors to bring their ensembles. Enjoy a relaxed, hands-on day designed to help you make the most of your college experience. Bring your instrument or come ready to sing!
Sample Schedule
- 8:30 - Welcome Concert
- 9:15 - First Session
- 9:45 - Second Session
- 10:15 - Third Session
- 11:00 - Lunch
- 12:00 - School of Music & Theatre Showcase Concert
- 12:45 - Fourth Session
- 1:15 - Fifth Session
- 1:00 - Sixth Session
- 1:45 - Closing Remarks
Our sessions cover a variety of topics and are designed to be interactive. You can balance sessions between learning more about Heidelberg and improving your music and theatre skills. Sample sessions include: Important Ideas for Woodwind Players, The Percussionist's Toolbox, Scholarships and Affordability, Singing with the Concert Choir, Bruise, Bumps, & Lacerations, Exploring Careers in the Arts, Heidelberg 101, Behind the Scenes with Greek Plays.
Optional Afternoon Activities
- 2:00 - Introduction to Musical Theatre Vocal Styles
- 2:00 - Theatre History
- 3:00-5:00 - Mock Auditions or Free Sample Lessons
- 5:00 - Dinner with School of Music and Theatre students
- 7:00 - Extravaganza Concert
Please register by Wednesday, November 13. For more information, please contact Dr. Carol Dusdieker, Director of the School of Music & Theatre at 419.448.2073 or cdusdiek [at] heidelberg.edu.
Register for the Music and Theatre Open House
Auditions can be arranged for any student considering music and/or theatre at Heidelberg. Set up an audition