Biochemistry and Biology Major
I chose Heidelberg because the small size and great professors. The Biochemistry and Chemistry Department is fantastic.
I majored in Biochemistry and Biology, because of my love for science, and I had a great time in high school with chemistry.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was Organic Chemistry and I handled it by reaching out to my professors and working with them and other students to understand the material.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to present! Heidelberg's Biochemistry and Chemistry Department worked hard to get me ready to present in front of a diverse audience.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Philalethean Society, Alliance for Sustainabiilty and Tri-Beta.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was Greek Life because they always had my back for all of the ups and down. We became a family.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Dr. Aaron Roerdink and Dr. Nate Beres, because they helped me a lot in figuring out what I wanted to do with my life. They made sure that I could experience everything Heidelberg has to offer and were always there to lend a hand.
My advice to new freshman me would be go to office hours!
My favorite Heidelberg memory is all the late nights spent in the sorority hall painting and laughing.
To move across the country to New Mexico and work at a national laboratory.