I chose Heidelberg because I loved the family and home atmosphere it had. As soon as I stepped foot on campus I knew this would be the place I would want to spend the next four years of my life.
I majored in Music Education because I want to inspire students with music. The arts are a place where students really find out who they are and I want to be a part of that process for students. I want to make an impact in students' lives with music the way music has impacted my life.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was doing music through zoom because of the pandemic. It was a time when I felt like what I came to do didn't matter and felt like a waste of time. The whole point of music is to do it with others and share that experience of making music together but we were not able to do that for a year. But with the help of friends and some amazing professors, we were all able to lean on each other and get through it together.
Above all Heidelberg prepared me to be a successful teacher and a successful person in society.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in CRU Worship Team and Leadership Team, Sigma Tau Nu Fraternity, Delta Sigma Chi's corollary Delt Guys, and the music honorary Tau Mu Sigma. I also worked in the Admission Office as a tour guide and manager, I was in the Concert Choir and Chamber Singers, I participated in the Marching and Symphonic Bands, and I was also the creator and student director of Heimonics.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was performing in the Concert Choir because it gave me a lot of opportunities to grow in my musical abilities, travel, and it is where I met a lot of my friends on campus.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Dr. Greg Ramsdell. He always saw potential in me as a music teacher even on the days I didn't see it in myself. He gave me the opportunity to do the thing I love the most and inspires me to be the best music teacher I can be. If I have just a sliver of the passion he has for his students and for music that he has, I know I will be successful in this profession. He has always pushed me to be the best version of myself in music and in society and I can't thank him enough for the opportunities he has given me and for being the biggest mentor I had here at Heidelberg.
My advice to new freshman me would be to enjoy every single moment. The days you don't want to go to rehearsal, the days you don't want to go do that thing that you have to do, I would say embrace it because four years come and go so fast. It's going to be a wild journey and I don't think you understand what God has planned for you and the opportunities you are going to get being here and even when it is done still won't understand why you got those opportunities and why you deserved them. But it will be one of the greatest chapters of your life that you will ever have. Enjoy it.
My favorite Heidelberg memory was getting to travel to Europe for Choir Tour my freshman year. Getting to perform in those cathedrals and churches was an unbelievable experience.
My plans after graduation are to get a choir teaching position and eventually work toward my doctorate in music.