I chose Heidelberg because the smaller campus and smaller class sizes made me feel like a priority. Everyone feels like family here and the pride everyone has for the school made it feel like the right choice.
I majored in Business Administration because I feel that it is important for female representation in a male-dominated major. I also enjoy the material in all of the business, finance, accounting and economics classes. My career aspirations pushed me toward business and I am glad that this was my choice.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was classes that I needed to take not being offered due to a faculty member retiring and I handled it by working with my advisor to substitute these requirements with other classes. That is the beauty of a liberal arts education; substitutions can be made if you ask for help.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to expect and accept change. I have had a lot of changes throughout my time at Heidelberg. Faculty leaving the School of Business and new faculty coming in as well as a coaching change in the middle of my basketball career have been some of the biggest changes for me. I had to adapt to new teaching and coaching styles which challenged me but made me better because of it. It has also brought positive female role models into the School of Business.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in the Philalethean Society, women’s basketball, the service dog training program 4 Paws for Ability, Marching Band, Students Leading Awareness For Mental Health and the Business Student Advisory Board.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was 4 Paws for Ability because I was able to make an impact on the community and spend lots of time with dogs. I have worked with four dogs in the two years I have been a part of the organization.
One faculty member who impacted my ’Berg experience is Dr. Trish Berg because she took me on as her teaching assistant and has given me advice during my last semester at Heidelberg. She is giving me hands-on experience in everything that I do and she supports my aspirations.
My advice to new freshmen would be to enjoy everything while you are here. It goes by so fast and when you are involved, it is hard to let go of all the amazing groups on campus.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is meeting my best friend last year and joining so many new groups because of her. She has pushed me to be a part of the 4 Paws program and the Philalethean Society. Without her, I would not have joined these groups and found my place on campus.
My plan after graduation is to pursue my Master’s in Business Administration at Heidelberg.