English Literature Major
I chose Heidelberg because of the feeling I got stepping onto campus four years ago. I knew immediately after coming to Heidelberg for a visit that this was the school for me. After years of searching for the right school, Heidelberg proved to me that it could provide the experience I was seeking. Its alluring campus, small class sizes, and close-knit community that surrounds this school were all things that drew me here and kept me here for the entirety of my undergraduate experience.
I majored in English Literature because I knew that exploring language and literature was something I was passionate about. Enrolling in some of my first English courses at Heidelberg, I realized how much I was interested in learning about those who came before me and how their literature has shaped so much of my world today. With the encouragement of Professor Barry Devine, I decided that exploring English as a major was something that I was not only passionate about but also that I could succeed at.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was overcoming self-doubt. It's easy to fall into patterns of resistance and anxiety, so learning to overcome those thoughts was something I had to realize was important to creating a success story for myself. Alongside this, understanding that leaning on support systems is crucial to overcoming those challenges and without the help of those support systems, it can be too overwhelming on your own. These challenges have allowed me to come out on the other side, recognizing the signs of self-doubt and not permitting them to weigh me down.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to explore new interests, be confident in my abilities, and not be afraid to put myself out there. Heidelberg has provided me with so many opportunities to try new things and analyze new facets of myself. These past four years, I've learned that going outside of your comfort zone is crucial to understanding yourself better, allowing you to get the most out of your experience. I'm grateful to Heidelberg for opening my eyes to new possibilities.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in a wide array of groups. From Greek Life, being a member of Delta Sigma Chi, and a corollary member of Rho Eta Delta, to playing Heidelberg softball. I have also been a part of Berg Events Council and Sigma Tau Delta, the International English honor society. I've also had work study in the Financial Aid office for the past 2-1/2 years.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was being a part of my sorority, Delta Sigma Chi. This group has encouraged me and uplifted me, believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. It has taught me leadership and the importance of being a member of a team. This group has allowed me to explore my potential and has never faltered in its ability to make me laugh. The tradition that this group is steeped in is inspiring and I'm proud to have been a member of Delta Sigma Chi for so many years. I'm going to miss all the fun things, all the boring things, and everything in between. The Delts are single-handedly the best group I've been a part of on campus and I know the memories I've created with them will never fade.
One faculty, staff, mentor, or advisor who impacted my 'Berg experience is Dr. Barry Devine. His guidance and advice have shaped the course of my studies, allowing me to reach a point of confidence in myself and my academic abilities. Not only did he reach out to me as a freshman and encourage me to pursue English, but he has not stopped supporting me since. His positive reinforcement and support have helped me realize my capabilities and have even pushed me to pursue postgraduate studies beyond a bachelor's degree.
My advice to new freshman me would be to soak up every minute. It may seem cliché but there is truly nothing that prepares you for how quickly these four years go by. If I could talk to my younger self, I would tell her to enjoy the small things as well as the big things. Things like getting food with your friends in Hoernemann, long grueling hours in the library, and activities and events that seem unimportant at the time all add up to the experience you're creating. Don't take it for granted, you'll regret not taking advantage of those moments when it comes time to leave.
I'm not sure if there's one single memory that I can select as my favorite. All the small things that have led to graduation have shaped who I've become. From joining two Greek groups, studying abroad in London, and countless events and projects, I've realized how crucial all those moments have been in creating my college experience. Heidelberg has facilitated those memories and helped me create lasting friendships.
My plans after graduation are to study for a Master's Degree in Gender Studies in London, England.