Business (Marketing) Major
I chose Heidelberg because of its many opportunities to be involved and deeply connected to your peers, faculty and community. An added bonus was how beautiful the campus is!
I majored in Business (Marketing) because I enjoy using my creative side to create marketing concepts that people can appreciate.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was for my senior year the lacrosse team was no longer in existence and I handled it by joining other groups, leading them and allowing myself to dive into my academics even more.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to live. On my own, with friends, with struggles, in good moments and everything in between. It taught me the importance of maintaining a school/work/social life balance that I will use throughout the rest of my life.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Enactus (President), Kappa Psi Omega, Nu Sigma Alpha, Women's Lacrosse and being a Resident Assistant
My favorite extra-curricular activity was leading the BEC-hosted Paint and Sip events because I was able to have fun with my peers while painting.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Scott Miller because he advised me in Enactus as well as attended our group in Dallas. He truly cares about his students beyond who we are in the classroom and I could not have felt more encouraged or supported by a staff member.
My advice to new freshman me would be smile and say hi to everyone you see on campus. Even if it feels awkward sometimes, it will leave a lasting impression on people and maybe even make their day :) My favorite Heidelberg memory is the Homecoming Showcase. I had so much fun (and nervous excitement) with the court and we really bonded.
My plans after graduation are to attend Heidelberg in the fall to obtain my MBA. After that, I hope to work on the creative side of marketing by creating social media content or focusing on brand management.