Accounting, Economics and Business Administration
I chose Heidelberg because of my mom. She went to school here and talked positively about the people and overall environment of the school. I am thankful to say she was right. You are surrounded by amazing faculty and staff that truly care and are there to support you and guide you to new opportunities to explore.
I majored in Accounting, Economics, and Business Administration with a concentration in Finance because of my grandparents. They introduced me to the field and have always been my biggest supporters academically.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was learning to say no, learning my limits and gaining more confidence in trusting myself.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to take risks and not limit myself due to fears of preconceived notions. You will never know if you don't try.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Marching Band, Alpha Phi Tau, Philalethean Society, and Residence Life.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was the Philalethean Society. We are all very different individuals who support and encourage each other in everything we do. The connections I have made in this group will truly last forever.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Cheryl Staib-Lewis. She has been a voice of reason for me and believed in me even if I didn't believe in myself.
My advice to new freshman me would be to not be afraid of change. You may come to Heidelberg with a plan of what your time here will look like, but I assure you it won't turn out like that. Some things will not go how you expected but learn from it and don't be afraid to take advantage of an unexpected opportunity.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is going back to Krieg Hall after the PALS speaker my freshman year. It was raining and everyone was rushing to get to where they were going to get out of the rain in their dress clothes. That moment was filled with chaos and laughter. While it was such a small moment at the time it was the first of many times that Heidelberg felt like home.
My plans after graduation are to attend BGSU for my Master’s in Accounting.