Biology Major
I chose Heidelberg because I really liked the science buildings, especially the cadaver lab.
I majored in Biology because I wanted to pursue a career in dentistry.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was transitioning to online classes during COVID and I handled it by becoming more willing to ask for help from professors.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to be a successful student and comfortably handle challenging coursework.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Basketball my first two years, SCRUBS all four years and Tri-Beta my last two years.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was basketall because I made new friends while continuing to play the sport I loved.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Dr. Pam Faber because she guided me through my research project and helped to answer any questions I had during my dental school application process.
My advice to new freshman me would be to communicate with professors or classmates and ask for help when you're stressed. During my freshman year, I was always scared to go to office hours or ask someone to study with me. After I realized how useful those things could be, I noticed a big difference in how I seemed to be less stressed outside the classroom.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is early morning workouts with the basketball team.
My plans after graduation are to attend West Virginia University's dental school.