Psychology Major
I chose Heidelberg because of the Volleyball & Psychology program.
I majored in psychology because I've just always known I wanted to study psychology in college and eventually become a therapist or counselor. I added a major in criminology my sophomore year because there is a lack of (mental health) recourses within the criminal justice system, as well as a lack of opportunities and assistance for previously incarcerated people after release. I hope to utilize my knowledge within both fields in the future.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was getting used to being further from my family and friends at home. I handled it by making sure I was intentional with the people I surrounded myself with, making it so I had a support system of friends and staff at Heidelberg that I could turn to for support.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to be successful & confident in my future studies & career path.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Alpha Phi Sigma, Writers In Residence, Black Student Union and an internship with EVE in Lansing, Michigan.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was Writers In Residence because of the relationships I was fortunate enough to create with our residents, as well as being able to witness all of their progress and achievements during our time together.
Faculty mentors who impacted my ‘Berg experience are Dr. Sarah Lazzari and Dr. Traci Stark because the two of them have supported and mentored me since I came to Heidelberg in 2019. Sarah & Traci were the first reasons I ever seriously considered furthering my education after Heidelberg. If it weren't for my relationship with the two of them, I wouldn't have made it through the long process of finding and getting into a graduate program.
My advice to new freshman me would be to not take these years for granted, and listen to those telling you to get involved with extracurriculars early on. Of course, these are the years to make valuable memories with friends, but these are also the years to build your resumé and shape your educational/career path to fit your goals.
Moving to Greeley, Colorado, to earn my M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at the University of Northern Colorado.