Cedric Robinson
Music Education, Class of 2017
Basically, I remember in eighth grade I actually didn’t want to do music in high school. I was ... I was starting to hate it. My friend Angie, she convinced me to join marching band because they go to Disney World every other year, so I’m like, OK, I’ll join band, go to Disney World and then quit. Plus, it was a gym credit. So then, we went on an eighth grade trip to the high school to see their marching band. It literally just blew my mind, like the amount that was going on at one time. I was just like a kid in a candy store. So, I joined marching band my freshman year and I’ve never looked back since then. I decided then, my freshman year, that I wanted to go into music ed just because my teacher had very high standards, and expected the best out of us. I had never seen anything like it before. It was great.
Cedric is very active on campus as the Alumni Relations chair of Rho Eta Delta, the Concert Choir president and a member of Tau Mu Sigma music honorary. He plays the violin and the saxophone and hopes to open his own music studio someday. He plans to graduate in May 2017.
Why Heidelberg?
Heidelberg has an affiliation with the United Church of Christ and that’s a huge part of my life. I went to a UCC camp and I knew people who came here from that camp. When I actually toured the place, it was amazing, I loved it. I liked the personal feel, I didn’t really feel like a number, even when I was touring.