Computer Science Major
I chose Heidelberg because the people and faculty I met here are super nice. They welcomed me in with open arms during the tour I took here during high school, and have continued to afterward.
I majored in Computer Science because I have always had a passion for that area, and the faculty here have inspired me to continue in that direction.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was online classes and trying to pay attention during them. I handled it by focusing as best I can, and having perseverance.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to be a well-rounded person. Heidelberg's liberal arts background requires one to become knowledgeable in many different disciplines, and I am grateful that I got to experience that.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Greek Life, as a member of Rho Eta Delta, the Heidelberg Historians, Model UN, and most music ensembles on campus.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was Jazz Band because it allowed me do something that I truly enjoyed doing, and I found it to be just good fun.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Professor Sean Joyce. As my advisor, he was always willing to listen and truly cared about my experience here at the 'Berg. He also has helped me countless times navigating other decisions I have made in my life.
My advice to new freshman me would be never give up. You're going to face serious challenges, long paper assignments, lab reports, and lots of homework. That's normal. You don't gain anything if it is too easy.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is marching down the field during pregame with the Heidelberg University Marching Band.
My plans after graduation are to continue with the MBA program at Heidelberg while becoming a full-time developer, starting my career in the Computer Science field.