Heidelberg University is a community, a family, comprised of as many personalities as there are people. With our “5 Things to Know” blog, you’ll get to know some of them. You’ll learn about their Heidelberg experience and other informative, fun – even quirky – anecdotes. Together, they tell the Heidelberg story.
Senior Haley Hudler originally sought out a school in the Midwest to travel away from her home in Connecticut. The religion major knew she wanted to attend a university with an affiliation with the United Church of Christ. She decided on Heidelberg because she wanted a broad range of experiences. "I also really wanted a liberal arts college where I could learn how to learn," she says. “I wanted to be able to take classes from all different areas.” She found all that and more at Heidelberg.
Ministry career
The religion major has had her career path in mind for quite some time. “I knew in high school I wanted to do things in the church, institutionally, with my life.” Haley will be attending the Chicago Theological Seminary, after graduating in early May, seeking to become a minister one day.
Greek Connections
Haley says she knew there would be benefits to joining a Greek organization on campus but never envisioned it to this level. She joined Rho Eta Delta her first year and then the Philalethean Society the following. “All the connections I’ve gained because of joining (Greek Life) are just amazing.” Philalethean was founded in 1913, and that has allowed Haley to connect with alumni from as far back as the ‘50s. “I never thought I’d feel such a connection to so many generations like I do now.”
Adventure in India
At the advice of Julie Arnold, director of International Affairs and Studies, Haley spent time in India studying religion. “I loved India,” she says. “They’re so open and accepting as a country and culture to all the religions that have migrated there over their history.” Having the connections to the Heidelberg alumni network because of Greek Life also comes with its perks. Haley was able to catch up and stay with an alum, who was a member of the Excelsior Men’s Society, while she was in Mumbai.
Musical relaxation
“Music keeps me going.” Even when having a bad day, she says singing with the Concert Choir helps her unwind and relax. Having started out as an alto after arriving at Heidelberg, she took voice lessons and “learned how to reach her higher range more freely” and it changed her to be a soprano. Haley will be a part of the Concert Choir’s European Tour in May, performing in Hungary and the Czech Republic.
Croc obsession
They may not be for everyone but Haley has an obsession with Crocs. Yes, Crocs. “They’re durable and goofy, but they’re good shoes,” she laughs. She’s even gone so far as to write a sonnet about Crocs for her Shakespeare class. After debating sending the sonnet to the company, she eventually passed on that option so it remains in her possession. For now.