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Jun 21, 2017

Heidelberg lands NEA grant for New Music Live series

Heidelberg University’s School of Music & Theatre is the recipient of a prestigious National Endowment for the Arts grant in support of the long-standing New Music Live series. The School of Music & Theatre will receive $15,000 from the NEA as part of $82 million in funding announced by NEA Chairman Jane Chu. Heidelberg’s grant is part of NEA’s Art Works program, and is one of 1,029 awards in the organization’s second round of funding in fiscal year 2017.
Jun 19, 2017

Huge crowd celebrates Alumni Weekend

The curtain has closed on “Puttin’ on the ‘Berg,” Alumni Weekend 2017. Nearly 500 alumni and guests – the most in recent years -- returned to campus last weekend to experience “everything old is new again.” “We had great participation from reunion classes and those who continue to come back year after year after year,” said Ashley Helmstetter
Jun 16, 2017

The long and winding road to Alumni Weekend

Burt Darmour is not crazy. His mother had him tested. The “Big Bang Theory” reference isn’t lost on those who’ve encountered Burt on his latest adventure – riding his bike cross country to join his ‘Berg classmates for his 60th reunion this weekend. Burt left his Boulder, Colorado, home on May 21 and rolled onto campus Tuesday morning – a little
Jun 12, 2017

‘Berg couple finds support during health crisis

Last summer, Dr. William Bradley had just been hired for a one-year appointment as the coordinator of Heidelberg’s Writing Center. Although he knew there was a lot of work ahead to publicize and promote the center as an excellent resource for ‘Berg students, he was thrilled about the opportunity. William had worked in writing centers on college
May 15, 2017

2017 Undergraduate Honors Graduates

We are pleased to announce that the following undergraduate students were recognized for their academic achievements. Those eligible for honors but did not participate in the Sunday ceremony will receive their medals in the mail. Summer graduates are not eligible to receive their academic honors medals commencement weekend but will do so when their
May 15, 2017

Commencement superhero: Success follows happiness

"I believe in you because I was you." Those were a few of the words of advice from Heidelberg distinguished alumni John Buccigross, ’88, as he addressed the graduating Class of 2017 Sunday. Buccigross, co-host of ESPN’s SportsCenter weeknights, titled his address “Superheroes.” And then he became one. His main message was about finding happiness.
May 10, 2017

Campus honors student achievements

Congratulations to all of the students, faculty and staff members who were honored for their achievements inside and outside the classroom at the annual Student Awards Assembly on Friday, April 28. Colin Higgins and Bethany Beaver received the Daniel J. and W.J.K. Snyder Prize, the top award for graduating seniors. Students selected Dr. Ken Baker
May 2, 2017

Countdown to Commencement: Tiffany Bates

“Oh my gosh, it’s been almost eight years, it feels like yesterday. Then again it feels like a long time, too.” October 23, 2009, started out like any other Friday for Tiffany Bates. She returned from school and went about her normal routine. Her parents’ house is heated by a corn burner that was running that fall afternoon. Her father asked her to
May 2, 2017

C2C Update: Scott Carpenter

“Oh my gosh, what day is it?” It’s Thursday, August 3 as Scott Carpenter, ’17, found out. “It’s only been two days. I’ve done so much,” he laughed. Life comes at you fast when you’re pursuing your dream. Two days prior, Carpenter accepted the position of TV sports anchor at WLTZ in Columbus, Georgia. Scott will be seen Monday through Saturday
May 2, 2017

’Berg duo leads Model UN conference with great skill

For the third year, Heidelberg served as the host school for the Model United Nations of the Far West Conference in San Francisco. This year’s late April gathering brought together about 500 students in a simulation to address world issues with the theme was “Old Threats, New Threats: Global and Human Security in 2017.” Seniors Bethany Beaver and
May 1, 2017

Countdown to Commencement: Michelle Motil

During her own formative years, it was Michelle Motil’s dream to become a mature, well-educated and responsible adult. She’s well on her way, although it hasn’t been easy. She completely lost her eyesight at age 15. As if that wasn’t enough for a teenager to handle, a swimming accident in high school led to near-complete hearing loss. This future
May 1, 2017

Countdown to Commencement: Isaac Bwayo

Isaac Bwayo took a circuitous path to Heidelberg, following former soccer coach Ryan Carruth to the ‘Berg after spending two years at a community college in Arizona. You might think transferring to a university in the Midwest would be challenging, and it was. But for Isaac, it was nothing compared to his experience in a refugee camp. Civil unrest
May 1, 2017

Countdown to Commencement: Dani Blum

Dani Blum, ’17, did not come to Heidelberg for biochemistry. “I fell into it luckily,” she said laughing. “I originally wanted to be a chemistry teacher, but I was more interested in being in the lab. I love discovering new things and seeing what I can make happen.” It turns out biochemistry was the perfect fit, and Blum is the first Heidelberg
Apr 24, 2017

HU Symphonic Band to dedicate concert to injured student

Heidelberg University’s Symphonic Band, under the direction of Jonathan Waters, will dedicate its spring concert on Saturday, April 29, to band member Bernadette Wolfe, a freshman music major from Bellevue who was injured in an auto accident April 18. “It’s times like this when our community comes together, our friends come together and the band
Apr 24, 2017

Student playwrights tackle real-life issues

Sometimes, personal experiences make the most relevant and interesting plot lines for the stage. Senior Kyrsten Lilly wanted to try something non-traditional for her Honors capstone project. So rather than research, she selected to write a play. “Last year, my classmates and I were talking about different influences of psychology in theatre, and we
Apr 18, 2017

Chem Club brings home national award

While attending the American Chemical Society Meeting is an annual tradition for Heidelberg, so too is bringing home national awards. The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, in conjunction with the Chemistry Club, attended the ACS meeting in San Francisco, California, the week of April 2nd. Drs. Nate Beres and Aaron Roerdink, along with students
Apr 18, 2017

Senior receives Fulbright award

April 5 was a big day for senior Summer Hunter-Kysor. Her parents traveled from their home in Pennsylvania to watch her as she presented at her final Student Research Conference. It had been a great day as she supported several her friends who also were presenting at the conference. Later in the day, she and her tennis teammates were headed to a
Apr 11, 2017

Advice to millennials: Get curious, find focus

‘Berg alumnus Ed Knopf, ’65, who served as the School of Business’s Executive-in-Residence this week, has hired a few people in his day … well, more than a few. As the owner of nearly a dozen companies over his career, he’s uniquely qualified to speak about today’s workforce. During his time on campus, Ed spoke to a number of classes, met with
Apr 10, 2017

A presidential learning experience

One of northwest Ohio’s jewels, The Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont, Ohio, is just a 20-minute drive from the Heidelberg campus, where senior history major Evan Engelhart is interning this semester. A typical day at the Hayes Center for Evan includes shadowing tour guides, collecting five to seven artifacts to highlight on the
Apr 7, 2017

The Patricia Adams Lecture Series continues to inspire

The Patricia Adams Lecture Series just wrapped up its seventh year, and it has become a highly anticipated event each semester. Students walk away inspired and empowered. The Honorable Susan P. Graber was no exception. “This series really empowers us to go out and accomplish things,” said Morgan Bingham ’20. “It’s a great way to meet new people and
Apr 6, 2017

Student researchers shine during Minds@Work

The annual Minds @ Work Student Research Conference is a great opportunity for students to dig deep into topics they’re passionate about, practice their research and presentation skills with a faculty sponsor and even get a morale boost from their peers. Wednesday’s conference was a great success, according to student organizer Hannah Kohne. “We