b'Ohio Auditor Dr. Lisa Kahle-Piasecki had a busy year, publishing two textbooks. The first was Leadership for the Now, published Prof. Doug Woods invited current employees ofwith Dr. Catherine Rymsha, lecturer at the University of the Ohio Auditor of States Office to his AdvancedMassachusetts, Lowell. The textbook serves as a guide for Accounting course on November 21 to talk about theiremerging leaders seeking to navigate the complexities of careers and the opportunities in the auditors office fortodays dynamic and ever-changing world. This textbook accounting graduates. provides a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the multifaceted nature of leadership, emphasizing the essential skills and attributes required to succeed in the contemporary landscape. The book features connections to Heidelberg with a profile of local business National Machinery, LLC, quotes from Kathleen Geier, chair of Heidelbergs Board of Trustees Prof. Arthur Frazier provided expert commentary in twoand a 78 HU alumna, Heidelberg alumni Sondra Libman, 67 recent news articles. The first, on July 8 in The Advertiser- and former BOT chair, and Mark Turpin 98.Tribune, discussed the Circular Economy. The second was aHer second book, Common Ground: Understanding the Gap that comment on August 27 in WalletHub, an online news sourceUnites Latin America and the U.S., provides a comprehensive discussing celebrity endorsements for car insurance.guide to understanding the intricate dynamics between Dr. Lisa Kahle-Piasecki, along with three professors fromMexico and the United States, particularly within the other universities, presented a paper at the 17th Globalrealms of culture, business and socioeconomic structures. Studies Conference held at Jagiellonian University in Krakow,By delving into historical narratives, trade relations and Poland, July 17-19. Their paper, Exploring Migration Trendssocio-cultural frameworks, the introductory chapter lays a Across North American Countries, explored the impact offoundation for exploring the nuanced intersections of these migration on society in North America and the implicationstwo nations. Subsequent chapters offer in-depth analyses for higher education institutions. of cultural theories, national values and practical guidelines for navigating cross-cultural interactions in various Dr. Trish Berg finished her four years of service on thecontexts, from human resource practices to entrepreneurial Christian Business Faculty Association Board of Directors.endeavors. The book caters to industry professionals seeking At the annual meeting, held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, into expand their cross-border operations. It also serves October, Dr. Berg gave two presentations: FACE OffUsingas a valuable resource for educators, policymakers and Frequent Activities for Creative Engagement in the Classroomindividuals interested in fostering inclusive environments and Faith-Driven Ethics in AI: Educating the Next Generationand meaningful connections across borders. Written with by Applying Hills Ethical Framework to Teaching AI Use inco-authors Dante B. Castro Solano, professor at Tecnolgico Academia. de Monterrey, and HU alumnus Matthew Bereza 98, a professor at St. John Fisher University, it includes a chapter Dr. Trish Berg earned several certificates this semesterfrom Mildred D. Berrelleza Rendn, and a forward by including the Applying the QM Rubric Certification fromNilima Bhat, author of Shatki Leadership. Both books are Quality Matters and a Leadership Foundations Certificateavailable from Kendall Hunt Publishing Co. As part of the from Talent Magnet Institute.launch, the co-authors were invited to be panelists in July for a special webinar titled Interpersonal Relationships between the Dr. Lisa Kahle-Piasecki recently earned a certification fromAmericas, a series of thought-provoking discussions from the the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) as aTruth and Reconciliation Work international organization.Workplace Mental Health Ally which required eight hours of training. She also completed a digital credential from IBM and Coursera on GenAI for Business Leaders.Dean Todd Harrison and Dr. Trish Berg attended the ACBSP Leadership Symposium in Chicago in November. Dr. Berg served on the planning committee. She also presented a session with Dr. Brad Gatlin from John Brown University. Their presentation was titled Creating More Resilient Students: The Key to Student Success and Institutional Growth.9 www.heidelberg.edu/school-of-business Fall 2024'