
There is always something new happening at Heidelberg University. Stay connected with us through news, social media, publications and more.

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Oct 20, 2017

Future veterinarian getting great hands-on experience

Ever since she was a little girl, Andrea Russell has dreamed of being a veterinarian, partly because she enjoys interacting with animals and partly because she believes they deserve a voice. “I’m a huge animal rights believer,” says Andrea, a junior biology major and chemistry minor from Athens, Ohio. “They don’t have a voice to speak for
Oct 18, 2017

Shawn Johnson East: More to life than winning

In Shawn Johnson East’s first gymnastics competition at age 5, she finished dead last and she was ecstatic. That was the first of many times in her competitive career when she realized that effort, hard work and doing what you love are more important than winning. It’s a valuable lesson reinforced by her long-time coach Liang Chow, an elite Chinese
Oct 16, 2017

Keeping it all in the (band) family

Kathy (Vogelbacher) Miller, ’92, has such fond memories of her time as a member of the Heidelberg Marching Band that she was thrilled when daughter Ella decided to come to Heidelberg. For her part, Ella, a freshman early childhood education major, was excited about the opportunity to continue her love of marching band under the direction of Jon
Oct 13, 2017

PALS speaker: Look inside to find, embrace your gifts

A high school speech teacher changed Brandi Powell’s life in ways she’s just now beginning to understand. That speech teacher, Mr. Gulman, “believed in me and saw something in me when no one else did.” That belief motivated Brandi to embrace the gifts others scrutinized but that she knew in her heart that she possessed. A weekend anchor and
Oct 12, 2017

Campus mourns passing of Dr. Ferris Ohl

The Heidelberg community was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of a Music Department legend, Dr. Ferris Ohl, who died on Friday, Oct. 6, at the age of 103. The Ohl family has announced that a memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12, at Trinity United Church of Christ in downtown Tiffin. A reception will follow the service in
Oct 5, 2017

Holocaust survivor explores concept of evil

Prisoner #64757 lost 14 members of his family in the Holocaust. As a 15-year-old who was forced into several concentration and work camps, Holocaust survivor Walter Ziffer witnessed unspeakable atrocities that have stuck with him throughout his life. Now 90 years old and a noted author, theologian and professor, he has spent many years trying to
Sep 27, 2017

MAC grant to provide $10K student scholarships

On the threshold of doing some really important work to address the ever-growing drug epidemic, students in Heidelberg’s graduate counseling program will soon have an incentive to pursue their counseling careers with substance abuse clients and those who live in underserved areas. The Master of Arts in Counseling (MAC) Program has received a four
Sep 26, 2017

Multiple benefits of summer science research

Five Heidelberg students who are majoring in the natural sciences had unique off-campus experiences to conduct and present their research through summer experiences. In their own words, the students describe their research projects, the outcomes and the impact on their classes and their future careers. Jessica Barnes Senior, Environmental Science
Sep 26, 2017

New Music Live bringing guest composer to Heidelberg

Heidelberg University’s School of Music & Theatre will host composer Tom Cipullo as the guest artist-in-residence for the first event in the 2017-18 New Music Live series on Sept. 28-29. New Music Live this year will explore the human voice and the world of vocal potential, according to Dr. Carol Dusdieker, director of the School of Music & Theatre
Sep 25, 2017

Gaining experience from the OAC to the NFL

Senior Marin Schaffner and Greg Raimondo, ‘17, each spent their summer working with National Football League teams as athletic trainers. Though over 2,000 miles apart, both gained valuable experience in their summer internships. The NFL provides summer internships in a wide variety of areas, including athletic training. Most teams typically carry
Sep 22, 2017

Marching Band feels energy, support

When Jon Waters arrived at Heidelberg about 14 months ago, he was greeted with blank stares when he asked about the instrument inventory for the marching band he had signed on to create. “There were no uniforms and no instruments, but there was a group of pioneers who believe in me, who said, ‘Let’s give this a chance,’” Jon said Thursday night as
Sep 22, 2017

Conference gives students a moment to shine

Two Heidelberg seniors stood tall among a stellar group of economics and political science scholars from Ohio and surrounding states last weekend as Heidelberg hosted the annual conference of the Ohio Association of Economists and Political Scientists. Business administration and economics major Jerrod Lyon and history and political science major
Sep 20, 2017

Heidelberg to welcome broadcast journalist for PALS

Minneapolis TV journalist Brandi Powell will be the guest of the fall Patricia Adams Lecture Series at Heidelberg University. Heidelberg invites the community to attend dinner and Powell’s keynote address, “Scared to Embrace What I’m Good At: Finding, Recognizing and Cultivating Your Gifts,” at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12, in Seiberling Gymnasium
Sep 18, 2017

Heidelberg theatre to stage ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’

The Heidelberg University School of Music & Theatre will stage the dramatic presentation, “ The Diary of Anne Frank,” to kick off its performance season Sept. 21-24 in Gundlach Theatre. “This is such an important show right now, given the way our country is talking about hate,” said director Stephen Svoboda. “To me, every generation needs to be
Sep 15, 2017

Nyle DiMarco: Embrace your differences

Nyle DiMarco was born into a multigenerational deaf family so it’s the only world he’s ever known. On Thursday, he shared his compassion, talents and activism for raising awareness and promoting the importance of language within and beyond the deaf community as the first speaker in this year’s HYPE Career Ready Program. Years ago, when Nyle was
Sep 12, 2017

Giving marginalized groups their voice

The development of a Multicultural Student Affairs Office to provide a safe, supportive environment for students with marginalized identities has been a while in the making. But with last spring’s hiring of Cherrelle Gardner to direct the efforts, things are moving very quickly. According to Cherrelle, students are very excited and providing great
Sep 8, 2017

Get to know Chris Abrams

On Sept. 5, Heidelberg welcomed Dr. Chris Abrams as the new dean of Student Affairs. Chris comes to Heidelberg from Malone University -- his undergrad alma mater -- where he had served as vice president for Student Development the past 13 years. Earlier in his Student Affairs career, he worked at Weber State University in Utah, John Brown
Sep 7, 2017

Trip reveals perfect merging of art and science

There is a strong need for an understanding of science when dealing with the preservation and conservation of art. Eleven students and two chemistry professors, Dr. Nate Beres and Dr. Aaron Roerdink, explored the connection during a 10-day excursion to Amsterdam in May. To prepare for the trip, the students enrolled in the two-credit-hour chemistry
Sep 6, 2017

Tackling economic, political science issues

Economics and political science professors from about 25 colleges and universities will converge at Heidelberg Sept. 15-16 as the School of Business, Computer Science and Information Technology hosts the Ohio Association of Economists and Political Scientists annual conference. The conference brings together professional economists and political
Sep 2, 2017

Title IX Investigation

September 2, 2017 To the Heidelberg Community, You can read more about the university's SEX DISCRIMINATION POLICY as well our TITLE IX policies and procedures here. - Our Title IX investigation started promptly when recent campus events were reported. This process is fully underway. - There has not, as of 2:34 p.m. today, been a report of rape on
Aug 31, 2017

Connecting on Capitol Hill

While working for a congressman is nothing new for Savannah Naugle-Baker, but doing so in Washington, D.C., would prove to be an unforgettable experience for the senior. Savannah spent the summer of 2016 interning for U.S. Rep. Bob Latta of Ohio in his Fifth Congressional District Office in Bowling Green, which also happens to be her hometown. With
Aug 25, 2017

Alum to Class of ‘21: Be more than ‘A’ students

The Class of 2021 was officially welcomed to Heidelberg on Thursday with advice to think outside the box and beyond prescribed goals of being an “A” student. While admirable, that won’t be enough to set you apart four years from now, when competition for jobs will be fierce, according to ’87 ‘Berg alum Dr. Michael Weisend, a distinguished
Aug 25, 2017

Uplifting: President welcomes new students

Just as the HYPE Career Ready First-Year Common Experience on Sunday and Monday, President Rob Huntington set the stage for a successful Heidelberg journey for 346 new and transfer students at Opening Convocation on Thursday. With strong messages to students that they will be supported, learn from dedicated, talented and passionate faculty, meet