Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”



Heidelberg University’s School of Music & Theatre is getting ready to host its 27th annual TubaChristmas on Sunday, Dec. 16.

Local and area tuba and euphonium players of all ages are invited to come together on that day to perform a program of traditional Christmas carols especially arranged by American composer Alec Wilder. Jon Waters, assistant professor of music and director of bands, is conducting TubaChristmas.

For those who would like to perform in TubaChristmas, the schedule is as follows:

Registration ($10 fee) and rehearsal – 1 p.m.

Lil' Sibs Weekend 2018

Come join Heidelberg, for a safari adventure of a lifetime!

Bring your "Lil' Sib" to a world hidden deep within the jungle. The Inter-Residence Hall Council, IRHC, has planned a weekend adventure of games, fun, and sun! 

Lil’ Sibs Weekend will soon be here and we’re counting on your student and their sibling, cousin, niece, nephew, family friend, etc. to join in on the excitement!  

Berg IRHC at Heidelberg University invites you to make some memories at Lil’ Sibs Weekend 2018!

Creative Writing Workshop

The Department of English invites you to an evening of creative writing with author David Griffith.

Thursday, February 15 at 7:00 p.m.
Campus Center 120

Dave is the author of the critically acclaimed book of essays, A Good War is Hard to Find. He currently serves as Vice President and Emily & Richard Smucker Chair for Education at the Chautauqua Institution and was previously the Director of Creative Writing for Interlochen Center for the Arts.

Lichtman-Behm Genocide Lecture Series

2017 Speaker

Holocaust survivor Dr. Walter Ziffer


This year, as we return to the theme of the Holocaust, we are pleased to welcome survivor Dr. Walter Ziffer.

Born in Czechoslovakia in 1927, Dr. Ziffer is a professor, theologian, scholar and author. In his memoir, “Confronting the Silence: A Holocaust Survivor’s Search for God,” Dr. Ziffer recounts his boyhood, the Polish and German invasions of his home , his deportation and three years of experiences in Nazi concentration camps.