b'Bergs MGT 200 and BUS 101 courses.Students frompaired with their counterparts at No. 1-ranked university Assistant Professor of Marketing Dr. Salil Khetanis MKT 345in Latin America in QS World RankingsTecnolgico de course, Personal Selling, participated in the Tiffin UniversityMonterreys Queretaro campuswho were enrolled in an Pitch Contest. In the contest, they had to make an elevatoradvanced business strategy course. Together, the students pitch (about 2 minutes long) about a business they werecollaborated on a virtual project to develop communication proposing to a panel of judges from the Tiffin community.plans for five companies located in Mexico. The Heidelberg All 14 students from the class split into four groups andstudents designed a social media communications plan participated in the contest. One group made it to thewith visuals for each company. They also developed and final round and placed fifth in the contest. Their businessrecommended an area of communication that needs to proposal was for a bar and recreation center called Thebe updated. At the end of the semester, both Business Hangout. The students were Branden Steckel, MontaviousCommunication classes enjoyed pastries and cookies from Yearby, Oliver Keller and Trenton Cooper. a local Mexican bakery in Fremont, Ohio, to conclude the Assistant Professor of Marketing Dr. Salil Khetani had sevenproject.guest lecturersall Heidelberg alumniin his classes in FACULTY NEWSOver the summer, Assistant Professor of Economics Dr. Diane Monaco, as a Scioto Economic Analyst, was asked to give a response to the Ohio Economic Experts Panel on the windfall tax on the excess profits of large oil and gas companies.Photo: John Q. Adams with MGT 200 & BUS 101 StudentsAssistant Professor of Accounting Scott Miller became a the fall semester. Visiting the Personal Selling (MKT 345)Faculty Representative to the Ohio Athletic Conference course were: Leon Garoufalis, 81, President and CEO ofat the start of fall semester. He is a board member of the Composites One who spoke about his career in sales andNortheast Ohio Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors Sam Forbes, 21, Business Development Representativeand invited five students to attend a monthly meeting (on at Roundtable Learning who spoke about his recentlyZoom).started sales career. Visiting the Marketing for Managers Classes (GSB 551) was Jeremy Harrison, 00, CEO of SpireIn October, Associate Professor of Business/Management Dr. Advertising who spoke about Digital Marketing. Jerry Bupp,Trish Berg attended the national Christian Business Faculty MBA 98, Vice President of Sales, Operations, and MarketingAssociation Conference at Oklahoma Baptist University. She at National Machinery, spoke about International Marketing.also serves as the chair of the board of directors for the Leah Cordy, 20 and MBA 21, Executive Director at Hopesnational organization.Landing, spoke about starting her own business. Finally, Sara Rowlinson, 17 and MBA 22, Director of Admission atAssociate Professor of Business Dr. Lisa Kahle-Piasecki was Heidelberg, visited two classesMarketing (MKT 200) andre-elected to the Board of Directors of the Greater Toledo Personal Selling (MKT 345) to give students an inside viewArea Chapter of the Association for Talent Development on how the Admission team targets prospective students(ATD) in November. The chapter is one of 150 international through digital and traditional marketing as well as howchapters and represents the worlds largest professional Slate, the customer relationship management (CRM) toolassociation for human resource development professionals works. who design and implement training, workplace learning, change management and human performance technologies. Classs Mexico Collaboration Project A former chapter president, this will be her 10th year More than 50 students in Associate Professor of Businessserving on the Board. She holds industry certification as an Dr. Lisa Kahle-Piaseckis Business Communication classesAssociate Professional in Talent Development (APTD).were part of a global team project in the fall. They were www.heidelberg.edu/school-of-business Fall 2022 | Page 3'