Justin Pruneski Associate Professor of Biological and Environmental Sciences Bareis Hall 132 (419) 448-2043 jprunesk@heidelberg.edu
Cynthia Ramsdell Adjunct Instructor in Music and Theatre Brenneman Music Hall (419) 448-2073 cramsdel@heidelberg.edu
Gregory Ramsdell Director of the School of Music and Theatre Professor of Choral Music Education Brenneman Music Hall 115 (419) 448-2154 gramsdel@heidelberg.edu
Sara Rowlinson Senior Director of Admission and Marketing University Hall (419) 448-2343 srowlins@heidelberg.edu
Ashley Ryan Office Support and Work Order Clerk Krammes Service Center 108 (419) 448-2390 aryan@heidelberg.edu
Jenny Sanders Coordinator for Retail, Print, and Parcel Center Campus Center (419) 448-2014 jshetter@heidelberg.edu
Scott Saracusa Assistant Director of Transfer, Graduate, and International Admissions University Hall (419) 448-2010 ssaracus@heidelberg.edu
Aaron Sell Chair of Psychology & Criminology Associate Professor of Psychology & Criminology Aigler Alumni Building 101F (419) 448-2480 asell@heidelberg.edu
Daniel Simpson Head Coach - Cross Country/Assistant Coach - Track and Field Seiberling Gymnasium dsimpson@heidelberg.edu
Joshua Slade Graduate Assistant for Football Seiberling Gymnasium (419) 448-2245 jslade@heidelberg.edu
Bryan Smith Chair of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics Professor of Chemistry University Hall C122 (419) 448-2045 bsmith3@heidelberg.edu
Lauren Smith Director of Conferences and Events Krammes Service Center (419) 448-2193 lsmith6@heidelberg.edu
Kristen Snyder Assistant Director of Career Services Campus Center 326 (419) 448-2058 kgiaquin@heidelberg.edu
Davida Sosa Executive Assistant to the President, Advancement, Finance, Human Resources, and The Board of Trustees University Hall C122 (419) 448-2202 dsosa@heidelberg.edu
Cheryl Staib-Lewis Director of Advancement Services University Hall (419) 448-2027 cstaible@heidelberg.edu