3rd Annual Call for New Works in Collaboration with the School of Music and Theatre Honor Festival and Martin Luther King Jr Day ON!

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Call for New Works

The School of Music & Theatre at Heidelberg University and Heidelberg New Music Association are pleased to announce a Call for New Works written by artists currently attending high school in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, or Pennsylvania. Heidelberg’s Call for New Works encompasses works for choir, symphonic band, chamber ensembles, and soloists, as outlined in the category descriptions below.

Honor Festival

Band and Choir

Join Heidelberg’s School of Music and Theatre on Monday, January 17th for a full day of experiencing choral and symphonic band repertoire at its best!  Raise your voice in song with Dr. Greg Ramsdell and members of the Concert Choir.  Bring your instrument to participate with Professor Jon Waters and members of the Symphonic Band.   In addition to honor festival rehearsals, students can participate in mock auditions, masterclass with School of Music faculty members, and HU student panels about pursuing music as a major or passion in college.

Music & Theatre Open House

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On Friday, November 12, spend a day at Heidelberg University exploring music and theatre at the collegiate level. Whether you are thinking about majoring or minoring in music or theatre, or just continuing to play, sing and act, we will offer a unique look at the college experience.